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Addiction is a matter, item or other attraction of a person. Although the literal meaning of the word "addiction" attracts all the attention, it is mostly used on the negative side. Addiction refers to the many bad things such as alcohol, carbohydrates, heroin, and addiction to various narcotics. All of us have to leave the liquor. Alcoholic English is the word - Intoxication and Addiction ..
The word liquor can be claimed as a synonym for addiction. May cause two aspects of intoxication. Such as

Good liquor

Good drunk people are rarely in the middle. Such as reading books, thinking about something new etc.

Bad addiction

It is seen in most of the people. It does not allow people to leave easily. Such as:

Opio (like heroin)
Prescription Medications (Sattipates, Hypnotics, or Sleeping Tablets and Anaolytics like Tranquillizer)
Marijuana (marijuana)
Amphitamin (methamphetamine)
There are more bad things to do etc.

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