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Smoking is the process of taking tobacco products in a special way by using a fire in the fire and breathing it in the body. Whenever the smoke of any kind of smoke entering the breathing of a normal bath is said to be smoking, it is mainly considered as smoking in the consumption of tobacco products. The World Health Organization, including the various scientists, is widely accepted that smoking, tuberculosis and lung cancer are one of the main causes of the disease and containers and carriers.

Verbal interpretation

The word 'smoking' is composed of the words 'smoke' and 'drink'. Smoke is 'smoke' or steam synonyms. Since smoke from tobacco products is consumed or drunk, so the word smoking is made as 'smoke';

Types of smoking

  • Active smoking: In the case of a smoker, deliberately pushing the smoke from cigarette or bidi or cigarette into the lungs is thrown into the lungs as an active smoker.
  • Deactivated smoking: During smoking, the part of the smoke spreads in the surroundings and indirectly enters the human body with the inhalation, and is called non-active 


Studies show that cigarette smoke has 56 toxic chemical substances, including nicotine. [Citation needed] A study report conducted in 192 countries in the world by the World Health Organization's initiative in 2010, said that despite smoking without smoking, around 6,00,000 people worldwide are affected by smoking (indirect smoking). 000 people died. Of these, 1,65,000 are children. Due to pneumonia and asthma due to indirect smoking, the children leaned towards death. Apart from indirect smoking, respiratory diseases, including heart disease, lung cancer, also occur. Studies have also shown that indirect smoking has a more harmful effect on women than men. Due to indirect smoking, nearly 81,000 women die every year in the world. Earlier, another study conducted in 2004 revealed that 40% of the victims of indirect smokers were children, 33% were non-dying men and 35% of non-depressant women. It also implies that people of Europe and Asia are acknowledged with the greatest harm due to indirect smoking. 

The main inhalation of smoking is complexity

The effect of smoking on cancer production: Cigarette smoke contains mucous in the form of cancer. They cause cancer of the human face, airway, intravenous and lung cancer.
Bronchitis: Smoking causes inflammation and cough in the airway. Call it bronchitis. The airway is gradually shrinking in it. Asthma is caused by breathing. Lungs are largely inactivated.
Emphysema: Smoking causes airways in the respiratory tract and the pulmonary swell occurs. This is called Mfycyma. This results in complex changes in the lungs.
Dungari cough: For smoking, many of the coughs and coughs are seen to come out of the lungs from the lungs. It is a cucumber cough.


Social enterprise

Legal initiative
According to Section 4 of the Prevention of Smoke and Tobacco Products Act (Regulation) Act, 2005, in the South Asian countries Bangladesh has to pay twice as much money for the first time as a fine of Tk. 300 (three hundred rupees) and for the second or the next, according to the smoking. . In addition, under the 10th section, the use of tobacco products such as cigarette, bidi, etc., 'Smoking is harmful for health' or 'Smoking due to cardiovascular disease' is mandatory. 

See also
  1.   "In indirect smoking, six million people die a year in the world". www.prothom-alo.com Collection date 2010-11-29 
  2.  Use of Smoking and Tobacco Products (Control) Act, 2005

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